The Benefits Of A Side By Side UTV For Your Next Excursion

Are you thinking of picking up a new all-terrain vehicle (ATV) or a utility task vehicle (UTV) for your next off-roading adventure? ATVs might be the more well-known of the two, but if you want to get serious about off-roading, there are a number of reasons why you might want to look into a side x side UTV instead. Here are just some of the benefits you stand to gain by contacting a side x side dealership near you.

Side x Side Vehicles Can Fit a Passenger or the Whole Family 

With a typical ATV, it's just you by your lonesome moving down the trail or path. That can actually be kind of fun when you just want to get away from it all, but maybe for your next off-roading adventure, you want to take the whole family along. A side x side vehicle is called that because it will typically fit at least two passengers who sit side by side just like you would in a passenger car. It's even possible to get a larger UTV that offers a traditional back seat, allowing two more people to also sit side by side. This kind of setup will allow your entire family to enjoy your next off-roading trip together.

Side x Side Vehicles Offer a Car-Like Experience and More Comfort and Support

Beyond the seating setup, a side x side UTV will also offer a car-like environment in other ways. Namely, you'll have a full dashboard complete with a steering wheel, and you might have other electronics like a radio built in. The seats themselves will also offer much more support than an ATV seat, allowing you to get through all of those bumps in the road with much more comfort and support. A UTV will usually still be open air, but there will likely be more guardrails on the sides of the car or maybe even actual doors in order to offer a bit more safety and security.

Side x Side Vehicles May Offer Additional Utility Like Cargo Space 

Because a side x side is much closer to a traditional vehicle as was just described, it's also not unheard of for there to be at least some cargo space. You likely won't have a full-size trunk back there, but there should at least be a spot or two to stash a backpack or a couple of items for your camping trip.  
