Reasons To Choose A Side By Side Over An ATV

If you wish to buy a versatile vehicle that can work on all sorts of terrain, the first decision you'll need to make is whether you want a side-by-side or an all-terrain vehicle. While there are some similarities between these two vehicles, there are also a lot of differences. It's advantageous to visit a local dealer that carries both types, as this will allow you to not only learn more about each, but also test them out to get a sense of which would best suit your needs. Here are some reasons that you might favor a utility side-by-side over an ATV.

More Seating Capacity

Although there are a few exceptions, ATVs typically accommodate one driver with one passenger seated behind them. Side-by-sides can have a lot more room for people. Many of these utility vehicles have two rows of seating, which means that it's easy to fit four people — and often more, depending on the model and seating configuration — in your vehicle. If you anticipate wanting to carry a few people instead of just one, a side by side will be the better choice for you. Even if you're carrying just one passenger, you might favor the seating layout of a side-by-side. Your passenger will sit beside you in a proper seat, rather than behind you.


There are lots of features that make a side by side safer than an ATV. Many side-by-sides have a cabin structure around them, including a roof. ATVs, conversely, seldom have any protection of this nature. In the event of a rollover on challenging terrain, a side by side's cabin would protect you and your passengers from serious injury. Additional cabin features, including a windshield, window nets, and more, can also help to protect you from tree branches when you're riding through overgrown areas.

Familiar Steering

The steering situation of a side by side is dramatically different from that of an ATV. ATVs use a handlebar-style control much like a motorcycle, while a side by side has a steering wheel. If you don't have any experience using handlebars, you'll likely appreciate the familiar feel of using a steering wheel just like any road vehicle has. You want to be confident and comfortable when you're riding, and the familiar look and feel of the steering wheel can be an asset in this regard. Learn more about side-by-sides by visiting a local dealer.
